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Season 5 Episode 05 The Colesville Saints


The Remarkable story of the first saints to gather to Zion, and of the matriarch of the gathering, Polly Peck Knight.


33 Edward Partridge (2)

By the summer of 1831 the foundations of Zion had been established and the course plotted for building her up. Select men and women had been chosen for that task. There were hundreds who could have been called, but the Lord chose only a few at the first, and who were they? Stepping back—it was April 1829, when the Lord commanded Oliver Cowdery,  “to stand by my servant Joseph, faithfully.” This episode of History of the Saints is about those chosen first to build Zion—those who had proven themselves willing to stand by Joseph—and they were the Knight Family and friends who comprised the Colesville Branch.


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