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Season 6 Episode 02 The Visions of January 21, 1836


The winter of 1835-36 was a time of intense preparation for great things to come. This episode is about that preparation and the commencement of what has come to be called a “Season of Pentecost.”


December 1832, The Lord commanded the Latter-day Saints to establish a house. By January 1836, the Kirtland House of the Lord was in the final stages of construction. Much effort and sacrifice had been expended to build it. The Prophet Joseph explained, “the house of the Lord must be prepared, and the solemn assembly called and organized in it according to the order of the House of God.” The winter of 1835-36 was a time of intense preparation for great things to come. This episode of History of the Saints is about that preparation and the commencement of what has come to be called a “Season of Pentecost.”


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