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Season 6 Episode 18 Salt Sermons and Danites


The Latter-day Saints in Far West, Missouri were pleasantly situated in the summer of 1838. But the peace and prosperity of the Saints was about to change.


In an editorial dated May 4, 1838, Joseph Smith and his brethren said this, “In this place, the church is as pleasantly situated as could be expected . . . few people on earth have endured the same degree of persecution, with the same patience. Nothing discouraged by the great afflictions and tribulations which they have had to endure for Christ’s sake.  They united with all their powers, to turn a solitary place into a fruitful field.” Indeed, the Latter-day Saints in Far West, Missouri were pleasantly situated in the summer of 1838. It was observed that as if by magic they had converted the wild prairies into cultivated fields. But the peace and prosperity of the Saints was about to change


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